Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Three.

Hello everyone. So day three of my writing left me further then I'd been before..
I only wrote one chapter, but doubled my page count practically. I'd been having issues with figuring out how long each chapter needs to be, but I think I'm starting to figure it out. My goal is to complete at least 5,000 words tomorrow. That'll get me at about 10% completion.
Let's pray I can do this.
It wasn't too hard, seeing as the free wifi at the hotel isn't so hot. Rather slow. It keeps me focused on my writing and helps me avoid distractions.
More tomorrow/later today.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

3,000 words done

3,291 words in and finally something is working. I was having some trouble getting the momentum going, but the I reworked the beginning of chapter two and out it came.. Chapter two is [tentatively] done, and tomorrow, while on vacation in the mountains at a resort [yes, be jealous] I plan on getting the next chapter done. At least. I think I can do it!

That's all as of now. I didn't get nearly enough done today, but oh well. More tomorrow.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day One:

Note: this post may be updated as more updates come along later this evening.
Words: 1398
The time is 6:19 on Saturday August 8th. I spent the hours from around 1pm to now working on writing. I took a few breaks, but I have at least solidified the basis to my first chapter, and know what the rest of the novel will be about. It took about eight drafts today, and some free writings from days before to formulate it, but I think its finally on its way.
I also entered the National Novel Writing Month for November of this year to *hopefully* begin work on my second piece. I have a plan of writing this first one, unpublishable or not, within 10 days; so that should provide a nice precursor to what November will be like.

Stay tuned!

To keep this short

Since all the other writing I'll be doing in the near future will be in excess, I'll decidedly keep this post short. This blog will be the journal to which I chronicle my venture in writing my first novel. I may, however, deviate slightly from that to discuss other points related to literature, seeing as this is a bit more fitting an environment for such posts. Look forward to posts in the immediate future chronicling this journey. It's more for me, but you're welcome to see where this takes me.